Vestibular Rehabilitation
Our downtown Toronto office offers treatment for vestibular rehabilitation. Dizziness and vertigo are caused by a dysfunction in the vestibular organ which is located in the inner ear.
What is Vestibular Rehabilitation?
Vestibular rehabilitation involves the treatment of dizziness and vertigo. Dizziness and vertigo are caused by disturbances in the vestibular system. The vestibular system is made up of 3 parts.
- Area of the inner ear that senses movement
- Nerves that carry this information to the brain
- Area of the brain that processes the information
To control balance the brain uses input from your vestibular system, visual system, and muscles and joints. Vestibular rehabilitation involves manual therapy, head maneuvers, and exercises designed to improve balance caused by dizziness and vertigo.

What Causes Dizziness and Vertigo?
There are a variety of causes which include inner ear issues, head trauma, infection, brain-related issues, illness, medication, etc.
What would my first appointment be like?
Your physiotherapist will ask you about your symptoms and what triggers them. Your physiotherapist will assess your balance, gait, vision, and neck mobility. Specialized head maneuvers will be used to test the vestibular system. After the source of the vestibular dysfunction is determined a customized treatment plan will be designed.

What are the signs and symptoms of
a vestibular issue?
Dizziness and vertigo can occur when you are static or initiated by movement (ex. head-turning, moving from lying down to getting up). The episodes could be short, lasting a few seconds, or constant, lasting for hours. Some patients describe their dizziness as a feeling of:
- Floating
- Swaying
- Feelings of unsteadiness
- Wooziness (swimming feeling in the head)
- Light-headedness
- Feelings of passing out
- Sensations of moving
- Tilting
- Whirling (sensations known as vertigo)
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Fatigue
- Headache
Book an appointment with us!
Rebuild physiotherapy is conveniently located in Toronto’s South Financial District with PATH accessibility.